Senin, 09 April 2012

Refleksi Alpro 5

pada minggu ini kelompok TP ku udah lebih baik dari minggu kemarin - kemarinnya. disini kita sudah menyelesaikan beberapa tugas - tugas dari kelompok kami sendiri dan kami pun bisa lebih paham tentang alpro. minggu ini tak ada presentasi tapi kelompok mentoring diberi tugas observasi restoran yaitu bagaimana hubungan antara bos,manajer,kasir,pembeli bahan,koki,OB dan pelayan.

ini hasil kerja kelompok mentoring kami =

1. Owner Of The Restaurant
            Giving money to shoppers to buy food, drinks ingredients, and cleaning tools that will be given to the cleaning service, dishwashing, and chef.

2. Manager
            As the right-hand restaurant owner who oversees the employees and to accept criticism and suggestions from customers.

3. Treasurer
            Organizing and managing the restaurant finances (income and expenditure)

4. Cashier
            Receive money from the buyer and provide for change (if the customer has the rest of the money).

5. Chef
            Cooking food and making drinks to customers. Food and beverages received from shoppers.

6. Cleaning Service
            Cleaning and arranging the room.

7. Parking
            Tidy bike and car customers

8. Shopper
            Buy food and drinks for the chef. Purchase equipment for the cleaning service cleaning and dishwashing.

9. Waiter
            Deliver to the customer menu and pick up food equipment that is used

10. Buyer or Customer
            Order and buy food.

1.      play function   = restaurant owner (Azalia)
call function    =  manager, the message delivered to the manager (Listy)
input                = control of the employees held a regular meeting with the head chef and all talk about
                            problems related to facilities and other things for the betterment of restaurant.
return value     = provide good performance to the restaurant
2.      call function    = the treasurer, the message delivered to the treasurer (Nani)
input                = ask for some money to the treasurer
return value     = give some money around five million dollars.

3.      call function    = food buyer officer (Depi)
input                = receive an amount of about five million dollars
process                        =  a motorcycle to visit a food market and shopping needs, after we came home.
output              = we've got all the ingredients of food (vegetables, meat, fish, fruits, etc.)

4.      call funcition   = cleaning service, the message delivered to the cleaning service
input                = ask for a cleaning service to clean the kitchen and set the other                                                           restaurant.(Krisna)
process                        = the process of cleaning the kitchen (sweeping, mopping, and organize space)

5.      call function    = chef (Nurul)
input                = accept food that has been purchased by a qualified buyer
process                        = prepare equipment and materials, then cut up food, then food is cooked until ready to                                       serve food.
output              = cooked food ready to serve to customers

6.      call function    = waitress (Rasyid)
input                = receiving orders from customers
process                        = the waiter gave orders to the chef menus, chef and cooking orders.
output              = deliver meals are cooked to the customer

7.      call function    = counter (Lia)
input                = the customer to give some money to the cashier according to the price of food ordered
process                        = calculate the price of food customers by using computer payment.
output              =  provide receipt of payment to customers

8.      call function    = customer (Dita)
new object       = visitor
input                = the waiter, a message sent to the waiter (ask for a list of food and beverage menu, then
                           order food and drinks).
output              = get food and drinks were ordered.

9.      call function    = a parking (Adi)
input                = tidy bike valet customers
output              = make money from customers

First there is the owner of the restaurant manager to assign tasks to merekap, organizeand coordinate pegai the restaurant. then the manager asked for or took money from the treasurer at the restaurant to give to pegai who served as a staple for food buyersand so on (such as vegetables, meat, fish, fruits, etc.). clear before cooking, the kitchenmust be clean first and then the manager ordered the cleaning service to clean thekitchen and other restaurant and restaurant set in a neat and clean.

After the food has been purchased and a full time chef to cook all the food after cookingand restaurant chefs are ready to clean the restaurant opened. then the customers come and park the car. then smoothed valet car parking place.customers into the restaurant to choose a seat where he feels comfortable. call a waiterto select menu. waitress gives a list menu, then the customer select the desired menuand the waiter noted food and beverage orders.

After waiter deliver the ordered list of subscribers to the menu chef. then the chefcooking food to order. after chef gave to waiters and waitresses deliver orders to customers, and customers enjoy the dish is given.

After eating the food, the customer pays the cashier and receive a refund if any. cashierto receipt of payment to customers. and the customer left the restaurant feeling satisfiedwith the service and food.

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